Sheila Murray’s acclaimed novel, Finding Edward, has been called ‘remarkable,’ ‘powerful’ and ‘a touchstone.’ Her articles and short fiction have appeared in Canadian magazines and journals including, Refuge Journal, Descant, The Dalhousie Review, Exile, TOK, Writing the New Toronto, Room and The New Quarterly. Sheila’s writing has been supported by the Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council.
Sheila is also the recipient of the Alvin A. Lee Award for Fiction, awarded by the Hamilton Short Works Prize 2024 for her upcoming new novel-in-progress Climate Ghosts. Click here to read an excerpt.
A resident of Hamilton, Ontario, Sheila was born and raised in England. Her father was Black and Jamaican and her mother was white and English, but DNA analysis reveals a multiracial ancestry that spans much of the world. This inspires her continuing interest in issues of race and identity. Most of Sheila’s working life was spent as a documentary filmmaker and television sound editor. Since 2012, she has worked in the social justice, not-for-profit sector, and now leads a grassroots, volunteer-driven initiative that engages urban residents in adaptation to local climate change impacts. She has a BA in Journalism and an MA in Immigration and Settlement Studies.
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